Wednesday, July 30, 2008


this was on the way 2 the softball game that was so much fun!!
hehe those little kids from kids club adored kris :) the kids adored trevin a caroline 2 :)
lol this is the whole group that came from our church

haha this was thursday i think and we all still had another day painting and scraping!! taylor looks very pretty in this pic doesnt he?

the last night we all got to hang out untill midnight instead of the usual 11:15 :)
doesnt daniel look beat :P

haha we were all so exhausted most of us just slept most of the way home....well everyone except troy(leader number one) he seemed 2 always be awake....scary DX lol jk

even kris was no match for the sleepy monster!!! RAWR!!!


this was a beach we stopped at to do our "before we got there devotions" it was so beutiful i couldn't resist taking a picture
we loved seeing all of the buffalo when we went on our buffalo loop drive before wednesday night church
we also saw a trantuala its that big black circle thing off to the bottom left hand corner

this was a farm that was way off in the distance that we saw on the buffalo loop
this was a buffalo that i used some special effects to spotlight him so he was the only focus

Monday, July 28, 2008

technical difficulties

ok im so sorry about not uploading any pictures but im experiencing some technical difficulties